Prepress LA03 Photography hints and tips mini booklet

For this task I had to create a mini booklet by rewording a selection of tutorials (my choice of 5) from a series of tutorials on a website. I then had to find images that I had taken that would illustrate these tutorials and create a (more than 2 column) mini booklet in InDesign to show these tutorials and images off to my best ability. I had to consider the text that I would use (I chose Bauhaus 93 and Fecske as they are both Art Nouveau typefaces that complement each other), I had to think whether I would use drop caps (which I did) and about the layout etc. It was pretty hard to fill 8 pages (the required amount of pages) with text as the more columns that you use the smaller the text had to be. I ended up adding a few images and some extra text at the end of my booklet because I ran out of tutorials and images. Hopefully it ties together well. I then had to turn the InDesign document into a pdf and then into an 8 page Photoshop imposition. Here are my results


And here are two images of the final result turned into an imposition in Photoshop. An imposition means that the document is ready to print out and be turned into an 8 page booklet

PartB Imposition F PartB Imposition F 2


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